jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

(Vicent Andrés Estellés - Els amants)

No hi havia a València dos amants com nosaltres.

Feroçment ens amàvem del matí a la nit.
Tot ho recorde mentre vas estenent la roba.
Han passat anys, molt anys; han passat moltes coses.
De sobte encara em pren aquell vent o l'amor,
i rodolem per terra entre abraços i besos.
No comprenem l'amor com un costum amable,
com un costum pacífic de compliment i teles
(i que ens perdone el cast senyor López-Picó).
Es desperta, de sobte, com un vell huracà,
i ens tomba en terra els dos, ens ajunta, ens empeny.
Jo desitjava, a voltes, un amor educat
i en marxa el tocadiscos, negligentment besant-te,
ara un muscle i després el peçó d'una orella.
El nostre amor és un amor brusc i salvatge
i tenim l'enyorança amarga de la terra,
d'anar a rebolcons entre besos i arraps.
Què voleu que hi faça! Elemental, ja ho sé.
Ignorem el Petrarca i ignorem moltes coses.
Les Estances de Riba i les Rimas de Bécquer.
Després, tombats en terra de qualsevol manera,
comprenem que som bàrbars, i que això no deu ser,
que no estem en l'edat, i tot això i allò.

No hi havia a València dos amants com nosaltres,
car d'amants com nosaltres en son parits ben pocs.

(Of Monsters And Men - Love love love)

Well maybe I'm a crook for stealing your heart away.
Yeah maybe I'm a crook for not caring for it.
Yeah maybe I'm a bad bad bad person.
Well baybe, I know.

And these fingertips will never run through your skin,
and those bright blue eyes can only meet mine
across a room filled with people
that are less important than you.

Oh, 'cause you love love love
when you know I can't love...
You love love love
when you know I can't love
love love love
when you know I can't love you...

So I think it's best we both forget
before we dwell on it.

The way you held me so tight
all through the night
'till it was near morning.

'Cause you love love love
when you know I can't love.
You love love love
when you know I can't love
love love love
when you know I can't love you...

Oh, 'cause you love love love
when you know I can't love.
You love love love
when you know I can't love
love love love
when you know I can't love you...

viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

(Love of Lesbian - Noches reversibles)

¿No ves que lo nuestro es raro?
Sigue intacto en mil pedazos y
no logra romperse...

Respira ileso en sus estados graves;
tanto hablar del fin
que ahora apenas duele.

Y aun así, te reirás,
volvería a revivirlo sin dudar...

Podría ser tan fácil, sería espectacular,
si fueran reversibles aquellas noches de incendio.

Más noches reversibles para saborear
las horas más humildes
con un placer más intenso.

¿No ves que si hemos perdido
hemos ganado historias que contar?
(Más que algunos tienen).

Recuerda que si caímos
en picado es porque a veces fuimos
nubes con la mente.

Si pudiera transformar nuestras noches
en un ciclo sin final...

Podría ser tan fácil, sería espectacular,
si fueran reversibles aquellas noches de incendio.

Pero eso es imposible,
el tiempo ganará,
entonces sólo espero
que cuando vuelva a sonar...

Tú pierdas la vergüenza y grites
"Oh, oh, oh".
Grites "Oh, oh, oh".

Creo que voy a empezar a romperme...
(Oh, oh, oh)

Grites "Oh, oh, oh".

Ya no me importa que mire la gente...

Creo que voy a empezar a romperme...
(Oh, oh, oh)
Creo que voy a empezar a romperme...
(Oh, oh, oh)

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Distance #6 (Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here)

So... So you think you can tell
heaven from hell,
blue skies from pain...
Can you tell a green field
from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
you heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
a walking part in the war
for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish,
how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year,
running over the same old ground...
What have we found?
The same old fears...

Wish you were here.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Variation on the Word Sleep (Margaret Atwood - True Stories)

I would like to watch you sleeping, 
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you, 
sleeping. I would like to sleep 
with you, to enter 
your sleep as its smooth dark wave 
slides over my head

and walk with you through that lucent 
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves 
with its watery sun and three moons 
towards the cave where you must descend, 
towards your worst fear.

I would like to give you the silver 
branch, the small white flower, the one 
word that will protect you 
from the grief at the center 
of your dream, from the grief 
at the center. I would like to follow 
you up the long stairway 
again and become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands 
to where your body lies 
beside me, and you enter 
it as easily as breathing in.

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
and that necessary.